On this page we will provide links to various resources that will educate, inform, or simply entertain.
An article in the Deseret News about our group.
An article from the Daily Herald that features our school.
Alternative Schooling Links:
Article by Oliver DeMille about "Mom Schools"
Web site featuring many exciting alternative school across the nation.
An article for parents of public school students who are considering alternative schooling.
An article by John Taylor Gatto for Harper's Magazine.
Homeschool Links:
The website for a great free homeschool newspaper.
A site with discussion boards and a section for buying and selling used curriculm.
The site for Home Education Magazine
Volunteering Links:
YouthLinc Utah. A terrific program that includes both local and international youth service.
The United Way of Utah volunteer opportunity listings
Resource Links:
The Power-Glide (the language program we are using).
National Geographic
Let us know about any interesting sites you enjoy!