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Lincoln Center for Independent Learning

The following are subjects the students will be studying and texbooks the students will be using:

World Cultures is a combination of History and Geography. This will be presented as a lesson prepared by the teacher. The students read and study from a textbook (World Cultures: A Global Mosaic by Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-831801-8). The students are also introduced to the great writings of past world leaders who have influenced each area of study. For each region studied, the students choose a project of their choice (see list of typical projects on this page).
Oceanography is another lecture subject. The class follows an accompanying text (Secrets of the Seas by Readers Digest ISBN 0-7621-0109-1 [used]). Writings by scientists who have pioneered the study of oceanography are studied. Hands-on experiments and dissections are part of this subject.
The World Religions text (The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World Religions ISBN
0-794501826 and the older students will also be using Anthology of World Scriptures by Robert Van Voorst, 4th edition [used])) is read by students in advance and the teacher leads a discussion about the topic covered. Religious texts from around the world are studied. All discussion encourages understanding and respect for the many religions around the globe.
American Government is a video series that is followed by class discussion. The writings of our Founding Fathers will be included in this class. During the study of this topic we not only cover American Government in great depth, but also teach students how to take effective notes.
Creative Writing assignments come from a list of assignments that need to be completed during the course of the year. The students choose in what order they want to accomplish the list. Packets are available for instruction and well-written samples are available as models to study and inspire.
Literature is enjoyed as a book club stucture. A master list of great books is available. From this list, three choices of books, all at different reading levels, are assigned for each month. A student is in charge of leading the discussion on one book during the year.
The Theater and Film course is very "hands on." The history of theater is studied, with an emphasis on Shakespeare. The students will need a copy (any edition) of All's Well that Ends Well by William Shakespeare. There is a fieldtrip to the Shakespeare Festival and a one act play is performed, with students acting and designing both the costumes and sets. Movies are studied as an art form, not just as entertainment. We discuss what makes a good film. A year-end movie is written and filmed by students.
In our Math class students may use what ever program they are currently happy with. We recommend either Saxon or Math U See, but there is great flexibility with this so students can choose a math program that best suits their learning style. All that is required is that the texts include chapter test to check understanding of the concepts and answer keys. Students learn at their own pace, with the teacher and parent volunteers available as tutors. Tests are taken to determine advancement, not to determine grades. A student earns her/his grade in math through effort. Math games and the lives of great mathematicians are included in this unit.
Foreign Language is utilizing the Power-Glide Program. This company has chosen our school as the host of their pilot program for their new materials. All materials are donated and free. It promises to be a fantastic and very complete class.

Here are a few examples of the type of projects our students can choose from:
  • Read a book of historical fiction and do a book report
  • Make a map of the area
  • Learn a song from the area by yourself or with a group and perform for the class. Write an essay about the meaning of the song.
  • Write a peace plan for a conflict that is currently happening in the area.
  • Explore the history of costume, weapons, inventions, etc. of the area.
  • Find and watch a movie from the area that reflects its cultural ideas. Write an essay about the movie's representation of the time and place.
  • Create a travel journal that records a fictional trip to the area.


Grading Policy

At the beginning of the semester, each student is given a list of projects and assignments due. 50% of the student's grade is based on quality and timely completion of these assignments. 30% of the student's grade is based on weekly personal goal sheets, completed and signed by the student, parent(s), and teacher. These goal sheets are one of the ways we judge the student's progress and level of commitment. We believe the ability to set challenging goals and achieve them is an enormously important life skill that the student will learn through this process. The remaining 20% of the grade is determined by exams, quizzes, and preperation for and participation in class discussions.


Sample Assignment and Project Due Each Semester (the number of projects will be determined by the level of difficulty):


History:8 projects

Oceanography:2 projects

World Religions:1 project and lead 1 class discussion

English:8 papers

Math:50 lessons completed and tests taken with minimum of 80% accuracy

American Government: 16 worksheets completed and notes workbook submitted to the teacher.

Book Club: Read 4 books from book list; lead discussion on one of these 4