We have created this model of education by synthesizing a few of the many great examples of creative education in Utah
Valley. The homeschool movement provides the foundation of the model. Many homeschooling parents have put together several
groups that have been extrememly successful. We have also looked at the structure of the Free Schools, such as the Free School
in Albany, New York. The writings of John Taylor Gatto, the brilliant education reformer, and Oliver DeMille, President of
George Wythe College, have also been very influential. Many aspects of the school have been taken from the blueprint John
Gatto created in desiging the ideal classroom and the curriculum has been enriched by Dr. DeMille's philosophy of using classic
books in all subjects. Of course, the example of Abraham Lincoln has inspired us to name this center after him. Lincoln
was able to get an outstanding education through many outlets other than traditional schooling. He pursued
his interests and passions and became one our most beloved and respected Presidents. Another element we have included in our
school is a global focus. We as teachers and students explore how all members of this world are inter-connected.
The following links are websites you may be interested in:
The site for John Taylor Gatto and his Odysseus Group.
The site for Oliver DeMille and George Wythe College.